Our Mission?

Provide formal attire to high school teens for their prom or school formal event at no charge to them and their families

Thank You to our 2024 Gala Sponsors

The Nail Room San Antonio

Volunteer sign up and release form

About us

Founded in 2014 by Ashley & Rodney Johnson. We started off via social media asking for dress donations. After a KSAT 12 interview in 2015, our project grew! To date, we’ve collected thousands of dresses, shoes, and accessories. Teens are notified by word of mouth and READ MORE

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Past Recipients

Since 2015, we’ve assisted 200+ San Antonio area teens.  We are a 501c3 nonprofit, tax ID 81-2651480. 


Lillian Lizcano

April 22, 2016 · San Antonio
Want to thank you so much for making this evening possible for my Ashley Marie!

Lanier prom 2016 at sunset!
Thank you miss Ashley for helping with her dress and thank you holly from salon d’amore you did a wonderful job with her hair and make up!

Laura Beer

April 25, 2016 · San Antonio
I just want to thank you Ashley for making this all come together. Without you, this look would have been different. It’s women like you who make girls dreams, reality. I am blessed to know you. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Current Events

Attire & accessory donations will be accepted on designated day(s) every month. Details on our Facebook page. Please do not leave items to be courteous of our business neighbors. Questions and/or volunteer opportunities, text 210-504-7766 or e-mail info@ppdsa.org

Contact Us

Call or Text:  210-504-7766

Address: 702 Donaldson, Suite 205
San Antonio, TX 78201
Inside Woodlawn Pointe, across from Jefferson High School.

We operate by appointment only.

Project Prom Dress San Antonio

Inside Woodlawn Pointe